Istinja islamqa. (Tarikh Ibn ‘Asakir, vol.


Answered by: Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah Question I tend to use excessive water during istinja and shower. Furthermore, such wind is not filthy, according to the soundest opinion in the school, and doing istinja because of it would be considered an innovation (bid`ah). This applies if the water reaches the inside, in the sense that when it comes out it is regarded as coming out from the passage. 1) During Istinja in order to empty my bowel and clean the anus fully, I insert my fingers inside the anus and use warm water. Q: When making istinja (cleaning private parts after using the toilet) for my toddler daughter, is it sufficient for me to throw water and wipe her with toilet paper or is it necessary for me to use my hands to wash her? Q: What is the Shar’ee ruling regarding an old person who is unable to make Istinja properly due to old age?A: If he has a wife, she may assist him make Istinja. In an Indian toilet when I go for istinja, after urinating first I pour water in my hand then I wash my private part with my hand and then afterwards I directly pour water on my private part. If water is harmful and mud is unavailable, toilet paper may beused. This means removing whatever has been passed from the genitals or the rectum with water. If this is a continuous issue, the rulings of an Washing Hands after Istinja; How Does Impurity Transfer into Clothes, Utensils or Other Parts of Body? Is there a prescribed method for istinjaa after passing stool ? (i. Can you explain as if explaining to a child like if there is a certain way or order of washing the private parts. Penjelasan masalah ini telah disebutkan dalam soal no. It is preferable to do Istinjaa` first with paper, or stone, or the like, then to wash the private part with water until making sure that the impurity has been removed. And Allah Ta'ala Assalamo Alaikum This is a question about Tahara. In istinja a woman is required to clean the external part of the female genitalia. [ [1] ] Instinja is sunnah mu’akkadah when the impurity (urine/ faeces ) has not spread more than a dirham from the opening. However, istinja can be done with water only. I try to open my fingers Dec 1, 2001 · Source: I’laam al-Musaafireen bi Ba’d Aadaab wa Ahkaam al-Safar wa maa yakhuss al-Mallaaheen al-Jawwiyyeen by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen, p. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". [Marghinani, Hidaya] Answered by: Shaykh Umer Khan Question: When in the toilet if one touches their private parts when relieving themselves, not any of the impurity that is discharged, and then they touch their clothes, will the clothes become impure? Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Q: I always have doubts whether I washed my hands after istinja or after washing my child. But some people say that istinja can only be done with water (this was also the view of Malik and Shafi). بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 1083/1083/M=1432) Yes, you can use left hand, rather one should use only left hand for istinja. When I complete my istinja with water and my penis flaccid, sometime I notice tiny water coming out of urethra/penis. 53 pg. I perform istinja with 2 mugs and still felt unclean. If something impure falls into a large amount of water, but it does not change any of its characteristics, be it taste, colour or smell, this water is pure, according to Apr 8, 2014 · Istinja' dan Istijmar 8003 Tanggal Tayang : 08-04-2014 Penampilan-penampilan : 16364 id. Please help me regarding this important issue. 2. You said, "So if the private parts became pure beforehand, the water that splashes there from [when washing them] is also pure as long as it [the water] does not change. Answer: In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate . Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Method of istinja; Istinjaa' isn't Required in case of Farting; How should one do Istinja in western toilets? I want to know the proper way to have Istunjah; Is the water which falls of the body (private parts) during istinjaa considered to be napaak ? Does looking at private parts in toilet affect the esight and memory? There is no set procedure for istinja. Answer The purpose of Istinjaa is to cleanse oneself from the impurities afterrelieving. However, it is not makrooh to do istinja with toilet or tissue papers which is prepared for istinja and similar purposes. In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful. There is no set procedure for istinja. Can , we use our left hand to bring down the istanja from the point of istanja . I want to remain pure from urine drops after istinja. No. Should every part be rubbed? Must inner thighs be washed in istinja? What if vaginal discharge touched them, and I do not Answered by Sidi Wasim Shiliwala Question: I am suffering from extreme waswasa. Al-Tirmidhi (may Allah have mercy on him) said following this hadeeth: “This is what should be done according to the scholars who preferred that istinja’ (cleaning oneself after relieving oneself) should be done with water, but if it is done with stones that is good enough in their view. 1- Can I pray like that?2- Can I lead salaahs? People sometimes choose me to lead the salaah because I have memorized the Qur'an. Mar 2, 2011 · These drops that fall from behind after cleaning oneself with water (istinja’) are just the leftovers of the istinja’ water that drip from the body. বাংলা bn. A sound istinja can be done within merely a few seconds of cleaning. If I see a urine drop on the tissue , do I need to do istinja again? When I do, the process repeats itself . I tend to use excessive water during istinjā and shower due to an extreme waswasah problem. Q: Please can you advise if splashes from the sink that goes on the body when washing hands after istinja or anything else is pure or impure? Sometimes tiny drops splash on my body/feet or even clothes whilst washing hands after istinja and I don't know if this is pure or not as I doubt myself and then feel that I I would like to know if it is necessary to wash the hand which we held the private part with while urinating as some scholars said the hand becomes automatically pure-even though a drop or two may Question I leak urine after istinja so I put a tissue to absorb any urine drops in my underpants. napaki being split in the pants. If water gets inside the anus when doing instinja’ (cleaning oneself after defecating), that does not break the fast, because this is not food or drink, and it does not come under the same ruling as eating and drinking. A Muslim must remove whatever has been passed from the front or back passages with water, stones, or anything else that is pure and will remove the impurity (najasah) – such as pebbles or coarse tissue paper, or clean pieces of After being free from istinja is it necessary to wash the penis with hand or pouring water onto it is enough? بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 425/366/B=3/1439) Only pouring water shall also suffice, but sometimes urine drops remain in private part of a weak person hence he should press by hand so that Classed as saheeh by al-Nawawi in al-Majmoo, 2/101. Is it necessary to make istinja after drops of urine come out or wiping with a tissue is sufficient? A: If the area is soiled with urine, you should wash the area. I want to ask the matter that, I go to study far from my home so I pray in the mosque of that area alhamdulillah, so I often have to go to toilet. On the exiting of wind, no such filth exits, therefore, one would not perform istinja. 1)i always doubt and feel like some urine has passed out and i keep thinking over that and try and wash my legs and clothes just on a feeling that some urine passed, plz help! 2) are the splashes off Correct Istinja for females. Using water is obligatory in istinja (removing filth from one’s private parts after using the toilet) if the filth has spread out from its point of exit by more than the size of a dirham (approximately a circle of 6cm radius as mentioned by some contemporary scholars). The warning of grave punishment is meant for those not saving themselves from the splash of urine. my question is, (3) The method of istinja is that when a man intends to do istinja etc. Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani After passing wind is it required to do istinja or just wudu? Answer: Walaikum assalam, Doing istinja after this would be an innovation, as the scholars mention. Q: As a person suffering from voluntary drops of urine after making Istinja'a, in prayer and in some other times. I see no actual traces of impurity, but the water always returns looking cloudy. If one’s private parts are pure at the time of making Istinja in the shower, the Istinja will not affect the purity of the water and the floor. 3- Whenever I go to the mosque, I also pray nawaafils. Question Salaams just wanted to ask my son has special needs he’s got a learning difficulty and mild autism when he goes to do istinja he can’t do it properly he will leave poo stains on his pants so he finds it difficult to pray what is the correct way of doing istinja for him Answer Any method of washing which As for normal healthy discharge (rutubat al-farj), it is white or clear and regularly exits from a woman, is visible when squatting. Istinjaa’ is obligatory; this means removing whatever has been passed from the front or back passages with water, stones, or anything else that is pure and will remove the impurity (najaasah) – such as pebbles or coarse tissue paper, or clean pieces of paper on which there is no mention of Allah or any of His Q: Can I do istinja with toilet paper instead of water? Will my wudhu be valid if I just use toilet paper instead of water for istinja then perform the rest of the wudu or do I need to always use water?A: Istinjaa has to be made with water. Once all the soap is off I think the water on my wrist is impure still so I wash my arm from the elbow to finger tips and I keep doing that and still I have a feeling that my hands are impure even if I've Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I take very long in the bathroom and then miss prayers. If the impurity changes one of the characteristics of the water (colour, taste or smell), this water becomes impure according to scholarly consensus, regardless of whether the water was of a great or small amount. Answered by: Shaykh Umer Khan Question Assalamu Alaykum, I have a specific question on how to perform istinja for men – how to clean oneself after urinating, and the use of the hands in cleaning the penis after urinating. I fill my lota (jug) 4-5 times to wash for urine. " Question What is your opinion about making istinjā’ with zamzam water? Here so many people make wudhu’ with zam-zam water. English en. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala Q: I find it easier to pour water over the head of my penis for istinja as this is the only part of my penis that gets najis when i urinate. Left hand should be used for istinja. By clicking What is the status of the following Hadith? “Whoever does istinja (washes his private parts) after passing wind is not one of us” Answer Hafiz ibn ‘Asakir (rahimahullah) has recorded this Hadith on the authority of Sayyiduna Jabir (radiyallahu ‘anhu). I have read everything about waswasa and I try to ignore it, but I can’t. If they assist him to make Istinja, they I want to ask the matter that, I go to study far from my home so I pray in the mosque of that area alhamdulillah, so I often have to go to toilet. Only Allah Ta’ala knows best What is the correct method and sequence of istinja and istibra according to sunnah? Doubts Regarding Istibra; How Should I Perform Istibra'(Removing Urine)? Can I leave the house within 20 minutes of urinating and is tissue touching private part impure? How to Perform Salah if There is an Irregular Liquid Release The toilet showers are common in the toilets especially in Asia. Narrated Anas bin Malik (RadhiyAllahu Anhu): Whenever the Prophet went to answer the call of nature, I used to bring water with which he used to clean his private parts. What should I do as I'm in doubt?A: If you are in doubt, wash that area. The answer to your question is as follows: If it is feared that doing istinja while standing or using hand-showers water will spoil your cloths then using toilet papers is permissible. If one does istinja using their hands, are their hands pure once they have finished istinja?2. Istinja is obligatory. Feb 24, 2015 · Hadats besar dikaitkan dengan junub, seperti haidh dan nifas dan cara bersucinya adalah, memulai dengan istinja membersihkan diri dari najis, kemudian menyiram sekujur tubuhnya dengan air. 10 Feb 4, 2001 · Answer. Please clarify it . Firstly, it must be noted that one should not wash the inside of the anus while doing Istinja. We would highly advice using water because it will alleviate the difficulties you are having. Some scholars say this is like the sweating of the vaginal walls. But if it only reaches the opening of the penis, which is regarded as pure, and it does not go any deeper, then it has no impact. Oct 10, 2015 · 1. Español es Q: Sometimes during Istinja water drops fall on my feet during cleaning. Adapun keluarnya angin, kencing, buang air besar atau mazi, dan lainnya, itu disebut hadats kecil. Is it permissible? Am I accountable for cleaning the area inside the anus or just the outside exit point. At the beginning of Istinja, it is preferable to use toilet paper 3 times. One should do istinja while keeping it in mind. It is permissible to make istinja with water of any temperature, however the Answered by: Shaykh Umer Khan Question السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته After passing urine or stool will it suffice to do istinja with only tissue paper or water? I tend to use both, however sometimes at toilets there are only one of the two items available. However, if he does not have a wife, then his son, brother or any other person may assist him to make Istinja. Q: I just wanted to find out something regarding istinja; does water have to be poured over the private parts after using the toilet or is it permissible to use wet toilet paper?A: Water should be used. Salman Al-Farisi said: “Indeed, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade us from facing the Qiblah while defecating or urinating, from wiping (ourselves) using the right hand, wiping with less than three stones, or wiping with Answered by SunniPath Answer Service Team . Praise be to Allah. Can I just wipe them once with wet hands?A: Wash that area out. If only one thing is used for istinja, water is best because it removes all trace of the filth. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. However, there is absolutely no reason why istinja following a bowel movement should last up to an hour. I'm not sure if it's clean or unclean water. e sunnat etc) Water Used to Wash a Filthy Carpet It is Forbidden for a Man to Insert his Finger into Wife`s Back Passage during Sexual Intercourse Q: When I go to the toilet, I find it hard to wash my hands. 1) Istinja is Sunnah. The nijasah coming out from back or front side should be cleaned with clod and then After urination, first clean the drop of private part with tissue paper or clod and then wash it with water, this is the best way. 5]. Q: I am a mazoor suffering from urine incontinence. There are western toilets in our office. العربية ar. And Allah Slmz Is it permissible to use hot water for istinja such that while making istinja there is steam. co. Wash until you are reasonably sure that the impurity is gone. if a person only uses clods or tissue paper or some other material for wiping private parts after urination. My question is that (because I’ve read this) water entering into the front and rear private parts via washing during istinja or shower really break the fast? Q: When doing istinja, I wipe a lot, then use a wet tissue to wipe, then a dry tissue again, when I see no traces, I wet my hand and use water. 75cm), you must perform instinja with water. With regard to the ruling on this issue: It is not obligatory to use water in order to remove any impurity that is left after relieving oneself, rather it is sufficient to use pebbles or tissue or any other things that may remove impurity. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Original Source Link Q: I had a question regarding Istinja. Send. My question is, when I am pouring water over my penis, some water splashes back up. I have two questions to ask: 1. Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalam alaikum, If I get an itchy feeling in the back passage during or after prayer, then go the bathroom to check if there is filth and discover traces of it by using toilet paper should I renew my wudu and repeat my prayer because of the exiting of filth? When I make istinja, and I touch the inside area of my private part, inside the lip area, I feel this slippery feeling and wonder what that is? I’m afraid it may be discharge, so I clean using soap every time I do istinja, and sometimes it takes me an hour. e. I would like to ask regarding the meaning of the following: “When Sa’id ibn Al Musayyab (rahimahullah) was asked regarding washing off of excreta with water, he said, ‘That is the way women wash. If sme urine drops fall on legs the it shud be washd 3 times? Answer (Fatwa: 983/983/M=1431)The sunnah method of istinja is to do it sitting, the face or back should not be towards Qiblah. I want to know if wiping with a dry tissue then wiping with a wet tissue during istinjaa is okay before making wudu and praying because I read that using a wet tissue spreads the najasat. But how should I find out whether traces (I assume it is smell, color, and taste) remain? It is hard to look at the area and smell it. Does passing of gas requires istinja (washing of anus) before praying? Also mention the other maslak in which it is to be done. If Istinjaa is being done on a hot day, then the person should start from the front to the back and then from the back to the front and the third time from the front to the back. Is this appropriate? Answer: Bismillāhi Taʿala, Waʿlaikum Assalām Waraḥmatullāh, If one is in state of ṭahārah (free from any ritual or physical impurity) and already has wuḍū’, Praise be to Allah. Now I am 100% sure the water which is there is leftover water from istinja which went in to my urethra during istinja and it is not drop of urine but is it my istinja still valid the fact water came from urethra or tip of penis? Mar 7, 2012 · But it is better to clean oneself (istinja’) with water from unusual emissions, acting in accordance with the Sunnah and so as to avoid an area of scholarly differences of opinion, and because that is more effective in cleansing and purifying. I wished to ask for a clarification about question no. Sometimes I suffer more during istinja since the white discharge comes out again and again. Will everything I touch become impure?A: After washing your hands, regard your hands as clean and the things you touched to be clean and thereafter do not pay attention to any doubts that enter your mind. Sometimes I bathe five times a day and I find concentrating in salah difficult. My problem however is that I get splashes when using a bottle or lota. tissue etc,), suffice; one wipes [the area] until it is clean. 5) What is the correct method of doing istinja? I am 20 years old but I feel like I’m not doing it correctly. I would like to know if it is necessary to wash the hand which we held the private part with while urinating as some scholars said the hand becomes automatically pure-even though a drop or two may Regarding question 2764, when istinja is obligatory? Toilet Paper Containing Moisturizing Cream; We use cookies on IslamQA to measure visitor stats. Answered by:Mufti Istinja [1] is the Islamic term for the action of using water to clean oneself after urinating and/or defecating. If the hand is impure, then it must be washed until it is purified, meaning that it must be washed until the color, smell, and taste of the ritual impurity (najasa) is removed. Please can you explain in as much detail as possible step by step the correct method and sequence of istinja and istibra according to sunnah so i may not have any worries in the future that my ibadat is not valid. Please suggest? Istinja and Istibraa by Men Etiquettes of Istinja’. If the urine drops are absorbed in the tissue and the area is not soiled, then you do not have to repeat the I want to know the proper way of performing Istanja . Is putting the finger inside a sin?A: You do not need to insert the finger inside. Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question I am a revert following the Shafi’i school who suffers from OCD and waswasa, especially in najasat and prayer issues. After using toilet I try to clean myself with tissue paper and then take a shower. It can take one vessel (lota) of water or two, four to five steps of wiping or more. If they touch something right after with wet hands, do that thing become impure?3. If the pressure of water in such a shower is heavy, would it suffice for istinja to use this shower only, without cleaning with hand, if some one has urinated only and not passed any stool (provided that it gives the complete feeling of purity)? Answered by Ustadha Shazia Ahmad Question: I read on one of this site’s answers that istinja’ is complete when no trace of najis remains. za, where the questions have been answered by Mufti Zakaria Makada (Hafizahullah), who is currently a senior lecturer in the science of Hadith and Fiqh at Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen, Isipingo Beach, South Africa. It is permissible to assist one’s relatives provided they are valid recipients of zakat. Jul 19, 1998 · Istinja’ is not necessary each time a person wants to do Wudu. Answer Wudu will break each time urine exits the private part. he should read dua and put his left foot in the toilet or istinja-khana and he should open his Satr when he is about to sit and while coming out he should put his right foot out and read dua. I’m really confused as to whether the water jug we use to clean ourselves has to be cleaned when we use it while impure. 10790. I wash the private part then discharge comes out and this continues till I get very tired and then after a while my discharge stops. Because after I walk around with tissue tied and come back to do Istinja sometimes the opening is a a bit open. Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source Link Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Is this the correct way? 2) After having a wet dream, when I do ghusl I feel that the water that splashes from my body and hits the shower cube walls and surroundings is impure. Problem is when I was at my home after doing piss, I do istinja with left hand so if any drops are under they came out and then I also stand up and do the same in baysan to When I read this whenever I did istinja I used toilet paper and then did wudu in order to pray. info/en/ask. 1) Q: Whilst doing istinja and washing away the urine, sometimes water goes towards the inner thighs, but is this water considered najis. 1) Was my salah valid and is it permissible to use toilet paper even if water is available? 2) Is istinja obligatory whenever you need to pray? Q: I recently learnt in my madresa that we should be careful when making ghusl in Ramadaan and that we should be careful when washing our behind because water gets sucked up and that will break the It is a sunnah to perform istinja to remove filth which is less than approximately 5cm in diameter. In Sha’ Allah. Istinja’ (cleaning one’s private parts) is obligatory after defecation or urination. 2- You have no excuse for not praying or for delaying the prayer beyond the appointed time because you are unable to do Istinja’ since you You can assume that you purified entire area when you performed the istinja; that is the most likely scenario. Question I leak urine after istinja so I put a tissue to absorb any urine drops in my underpants. I would advise you to reduce the time it takes you to make istinja significantly. Allah knows Best! This answer was collected from MuftiOnline. As for dry istinja, it has relatively strict conditions [See Reliance of The traveler Section e9. Is my wudhu & salah valid if I use dry tissue to clean my private parts after istinja? Regarding question 2764, when istinja is obligatory? Is the water used for istinjaa that splashes back on me considered najis? Why do I need more water & time for istinja than others? Using Water only for Istinja Asalam-e-kum I have question regarding istinja is it correct to wash the channel (uretea) of penis or without washing it and it invalid the fast or not. This discharge does not nullify the ritual ablution (wudu) and is Istinja a is a sunnah mu’akkadah as it was an act which our Prophet (PBUH) was persistent in performing. Answered by:Mufti Zakaria MakadaChecked & Jul 7, 2007 · So when you have relieved yourself and washed yourself (istinja), get up and do not pay any attention to whether your hand touched a tahir (pure) place after touching the najasah (impurity), or that drops of the istinja water landed on your feet or body, because the basic principle is that things remain tahir, and uncertainty as to whether your Answer: Istinjaa` is obligatory for removing impurity, and it can be done with toilet paper, or a stone, or water. Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 1478/1435/L=01/1437) (1) It is the etiquette of ghusl that one performs it wearing lungi etc. ’ Q: There is a particular procedure for making istinja in islam which unfortunately I am not aware of because nobody taught me this. Toilet paper and other clean implements like stones can be used in addition to water to aid in purifying the area. Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Q:1. 1. She should not insert her finger inside the region to clean it. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. However one is allowed to take a bath naked in such a place where no other person can watch. and Allah Ta'ala Knows BestMufti Ebrahim Desai Original Source Link Istinja’ (cleaning one’s private parts) is obligatory after defecation or urination. Like, I have this extreme waswasah problem. So you should clean the place of impurity with tissue paper after urination or passing stool. Go ahead and pray, for the certainty of having purified oneself cannot be cancelled out by mere doubt. Q: Is there a dua for making Istinja? I do not mean the dua for entering and leaving the toilet. Q:1. However it is wajib if the najasa has spread past the entrance and is equivalent to the size of a dirham. Reciting the kalima after doing istinja or on impure clothes has no basis in shariah, rather it is offensive to mention Allah’s name in the bathroom. If this is a continuous issue, the rulings of an Mar 8, 2020 · Masuknya Air Istinja’ ke Jalannya Kemudian Keluar 13-10-2023 Menyaksikan : 3189 istinja dan istijmar 219157 27-07-2023 After doing istinja for the back passage with water I thought I cleaned up properly, however, when performing salah I then had a physical feeling that some impurity remained, so I used the principle that certainty is not removed by doubt, but after salah I checked using my fingers to smell and found a smell and therefore rewashed to remove the Q: After toilet I put my finger inside my anus to clean. Jazakallah for your advice, I though have trouble understanding your answer. Aug 10, 2012 · Ruling on water that gets onto one’s clothes when washing after relieving oneself (istinja’) 180824 Publication : 08-10-2012 In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. To answer your questions: If only one thing is used for istinja, water is best because it removes all trace of the filth. My question is regarding istinjaa. But just for my ease of mind, after praying, I Oct 11, 2023 · 1- When a person relieves himself, he must cleanse himself of impurities either with water – which is best and most perfect – or with something other than water which will remove the impurities, such as toilet paper, fabric, stones or something else. Doing istinja is very difficult there. Matters like these are best ignored, and the simplest and most effective way to deal with them is sound knowledge. Method of istinja; Can water enter vagina whilst fasting? Can I clean my penis with water after urinating without being punished in the grave? Is my wudhu & salah valid if I use dry tissue to clean my private parts after istinja? Why do I need more water & time for istinja than others? How to Perform Salah if There is an Irregular Liquid Release Plz tel the sunnah way of istinja for females. Asalam-e-kum I have question regarding istinja is it correct to wash the channel (uretea) of penis or without washing it and it invalid the fast or not. Also, after istinja, I am always doubtful about my hands. For taste, does it mean the Q: My question is regarding istinja, during washing private part some water splashes back to my thighs. 92050. A: If it is faeces then see that it is washed thoroughly and that there is no trace of it left behind and if it is urine then after Answered by: Shaykh Shafiur Rahman Question: Salaam Mufti, I had a question about tahara related to at the time of being in an impure state. It is essential after passing urine or stools, when a person must wash his private parts before doing Wudu for prayer. Is this water impure or not? A: Ignore this. Using Water only for Istinja; Is it permissible to do istinja while standing in a urinal bathroom with no seating or splashguard available? As salamo alaikum. A: According to our research, there is no Du'aa to be recited at the time of Istinjaa. Wassalam, Faraz Rabbani. [3] If madhy reaches the labia minora then one’s wudu breaks. Q: I suffer from leukorrhoea problem. Ref. A Muslim must remove whatever has been passed from the front or back passages with water, stones, or anything else that is pure and will remove the impurity (najasah) – such as pebbles or coarse tissue paper, or clean pieces of paper on which there is no mention of Allah or any of His names – apart Q: I had a question regarding Istinja. 49) However this Hadith Asalamualaikum I feel i am not doing istinja properly based on some stuff i have read. The problem is if a walk, it feels that I need "Istinja" again with water. I have a really important question. Some droplets do come out after I get up from the sitting position. I do this in the sink/basin. Its fundamental condition is that one cleans oneself from filth. I put a tissue to remain paak and offer namaz after wuzu. When a person has been to the toilet and then needs to do istinja for urinating (so he doesn’t excrete faeces but *only* urinates) when he does istinja does he have to wash all of his private parts (all of the penis and surrounding areas) including the anus and in between the buttocks (which should still be clean if he is only urinating), or does AssalamoAlykum the toilet water is high and lots of splashing occurs i try to guard my self as much as i can but usually when i urinate tiny particles splash back onto me when i do istinja for urinating, i am forced to also clean my back passage because that is where the urine splashes usually fall. If the urine exceeds the place of the urine then it is not enough to clean it with tissue paper, rather it is necessary to wash it with water. Can I use a tissue paper and wait for the remaining small drops to come? Please advice. (Bukhari, Book of Ablution) 2) Stones, and that which take their place (i. Also, I am a female and often, when I am squatting and making istinja with running water, I fear that water enters and exists my vagina. Thursday 18 Ṣafar 1446 - 22 August 2024 It is Sunnah to perform istinja from any najasa that exists from the front or back passage of the private parts and has not spread past the entrance. Asalamualaikum I feel i am not doing istinja properly based on some stuff i have read. However wudhu breaks by passing the wind but the place does The Legal Ruling of Istinja’ (Cleaning One’s Private Parts) Istinja’ is a confirmed sunna, because it was from the consistent practice and encouragement of the Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him & his folk). Answer In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Q: I have a problem of urine drops. These are the etiquettes of istinja. So you should not pay any attention to that. Isibraa’ is to ensure that urine has completely expelled from the private part. May 2, 2016 · Assalaamu alaykum. Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions. Does doing Istinja with out entering the water inside suffice. 935. Would it be obligatory for him to wash it with water when he wants to perform wadu. To answer your questions: Answered by: Mufti Muhammad Adnan Question I use the shower to do istinja but I want to learn to do it with a lota or bottle or cup or something. My question is that (because I have read this) water entering into the front and rear private parts via washing during istinjā or shower really breaks the fast. After istinja, does one need to wash their penis with their hands or just with water? Do automatic toilets in Japan and inserting tissue in the penis hole break fast during Ramadan? How to Avoid Waswasa of Dripping Urine After Using the Restroom; Urine Incontinence; Does a bit of urine remaining inside the penis after urination break wudhu? بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 153/186/B=3/1438) The tissue paper which you keep after doing istinja they turned impure, it is not lawful to use them. This happens sometimes so I just ignore it and pray. Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. You state that if the effected part (private parts) is more then a dinar (2. This area should first be cleaned by istinja then wudu should be performed. . Also if in as school or office a vessel is not available for istinja ,would wipes suffice? or wet toilet paper be permissible instead or is only flowing water to be used? Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, I pray this reaches you in the best of health and faith, insha’Allah. Istinja is not permissible with bones, excreta, food or anything that is treated with respect. Do I have to wash my thighs and my hand after washing away the urine, or is it considered clean because water is continuously running. Sep 28, 2004 · Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Ighaathat al-Lahfaan (1/151) that there is consensus among the Muslims that it is permissible to do istijmaar using stones both in the winter and in the summer. 4-9. Or is this just wasawas. Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. And Allah knows best. Cleaning after relieving oneself (istinja’) is a confirmed Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I soap them then put them under the tap. After relieving oneself, one must firstly do istibraa’. When washing oneself during istinja, pour the water slowly to avoid splashes. Feb 5, 2023 · What Happens If Istinja’ Water Enter the Urethra? 30-05-2023 views : You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa. I spend 30 min on the toilet and 20 making wudu. If Istinjaa is being done on a cold day, then he should begin from the back to the front. May 30, 2023 · If someone causes water, oil or anything else to enter the urethra then it comes out, it is impure and invalidates Wudu. Problem is when I was at my home after doing piss, I do istinja with left hand so if any drops are under they came out and then I also stand up and do the same in baysan to In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. (Tarikh Ibn ‘Asakir, vol. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (Fatwa: 69/69/M=02/1437) It is not necessary to wash the anus merely by passing the wind. Does the inside of the opening of the tip of the penis need to be washed. This area is washed when cleaning oneself after using the bathroom (istinja’). fgzfbtav wwytpc hgmup eyqrpkb izpkv krvjw ghkop symmfn boyqc bar